Arduino Connectro V2
Connectro V2 is an Arduino shield which has enough IO and connectivity features for the hobbyist and Automation professionals,It allows professionals to build any thing from stand alone projects to a home Automation projects with lots of IO's in one single board.Its has on board Oled 0.9 and 1.2 inch display slots which can be use to show values of the connectro IO pins. Connectro shield also has ESP8266 slot which can be used for Automation or Robbotic connectivity to the IOT projects not only that Connectro comes with On board Rs485 chip which can be used for Automation engineers to have Modbus Rs485 connectivity for any third part system connectivity i.e BMS system or PLC's.
![]() Crystal Com (Tech.Engineer) Independence and communication are the cornerstones in which we build our daily lives. Think about it. Imagine never being able to say good morning to your family or being able to convey how you feel to your nearest and dearest. Imagine never being able to have another conversation. again. Crystal Com is the first wearable device created to aid communication for those living with physical impairments. By detecting user movements, weʼre able to give people back their voice and make moves towards more independent living. Bridging the gap between people and technology through its pioneering software, motion-sense technology enables users can select letters, numbers and (how many) pre-programmed basic words and phrases to interact easily with the people around them. |
Art Nano V1
ArtNano is an Arduino based experimental platform where Engineers and other Microcontroller programmers professionals can built projects and test any thing from very basic to advance projects with no wiring hassle.Its because being able to get all the wiring right is sometimes a discouraging and hurdle to younger makers or Engineers, especially with the time limitation, so we decided to design a platform where all the chips and devices can simply plugin to the one platform so that we could skip the wiring hassle and concentrate to the programming instead. So that we can explore Arduino better and do some amazing things with the plugin chips in no time.This platform do prety much any thing and its compatibility with chips and device is just amazing.
Art Nano V2
ArtNano V2 is an Arduino based experimental platform where Engineers and other microcontroller programers can built projects and test any thing from very basic to advance projects with no wiring hassle.Its because being able to get all the wiring right is sometimes a discouraging and hurdle to younger makers or Engineers, especially with the time limitation, so we decided to design a platform where all the chips and devices can simply plugin to the one platform so that we could skip the wiring hassle and concentrate to the programming instead. So that we can explore Arduino better and do some amazing things with the plugin chips in no time.This platform do pretty much any thing and its compatibility with chips and device is just amazing.New features has been added in to Art Nano V2 which allows user to add following chips
1-Wiznet ethernet Connectivity.
2-Sim800L GSM Connectivity.
1-Wiznet ethernet Connectivity.
2-Sim800L GSM Connectivity.
Nextuino is an Nextion display compatible HMI board. This board is design for both hobbyist and Automation professional, because of its compatibility of low level and high level interfaces with the available IO's makes it perfect HMI Design for wall mount or panel mount type applications i.e Wall mount lighting control to Wall mount thermostat for Home Automation projects.This HMI board has following features.
1-Digital output with 240V 3Amps switching X 4
2-Universel Inputs X 4
3-Analog output 0-10V X 2
4-On Board DC power jack and terminals for external power.
5-On Board Rs485 chip for Modbus connectivity for high level third party interface.
1-Digital output with 240V 3Amps switching X 4
2-Universel Inputs X 4
3-Analog output 0-10V X 2
4-On Board DC power jack and terminals for external power.
5-On Board Rs485 chip for Modbus connectivity for high level third party interface.
Transduino is an Arduino based Wireless Gateway and Actuator board Which can Transmit and Receive Analog and digital singal from one end to the other using NRF24L01 chip i.e transmitting Tanks Level analog signal/Temperature&Humidity and digital it can be status of Motor or any running machine or you can even control outputs like motors and lights. Transduino comes with following on board features.
Receiver Gateway Board.
1-1.8 inch TFT display board.
2-Analog output 0-10v X 5.
3-Universal input X 3.
4-Digital output upto 240v 3amps switching X 4.
5-Rs485 port can be used for Modbus connectivity.
Transmiter Actuator Board.
1-Capable of having Oled 0.9 inch /1.8 inch TFT display board.
2-Analog output 0-10v X 1.
3-On Board TMP36 Temperature sensor.
4-Capable of to DHT11 sensor on board connection ready to be used.
5-Universal input X 2.
6-Digital output upto 240v 3amps switching X 1.
7-On board tactic buttons X 2 can be used for menu system display.
Receiver Gateway Board.
1-1.8 inch TFT display board.
2-Analog output 0-10v X 5.
3-Universal input X 3.
4-Digital output upto 240v 3amps switching X 4.
5-Rs485 port can be used for Modbus connectivity.
Transmiter Actuator Board.
1-Capable of having Oled 0.9 inch /1.8 inch TFT display board.
2-Analog output 0-10v X 1.
3-On Board TMP36 Temperature sensor.
4-Capable of to DHT11 sensor on board connection ready to be used.
5-Universal input X 2.
6-Digital output upto 240v 3amps switching X 1.
7-On board tactic buttons X 2 can be used for menu system display.